Catch Me If I Fall

I want to say so much to you,
Yet I’m incapable of saying a thing.
My heart can’t stop running away..
Petrified… Will you catch me if I fall?

I want to tell you who you are,
I want to tell you how you feel,
I want to tell you your thought,
I want to tell you how you exist…
Within me.

When gentle words can transfix,
When stolen glances fill rooms,
When passing grazes whisper winds,
When flowers carry little heavens,
From you.

Where time has no relevance,
Where space is a negative,
Where place has no meaning,
Where world only an accessory…
With you.

I want to say so much to you,
Yet I cannot say those tender things.
Cause it comes down to one simple thing..
Intuitively… You won’t catch me when I fall.


I used to believe in love so much,
Flaws, frills, fantasies et al.
But love takes more courage..
Tougher… Than any fight I’ve fought.

For love can build small universes,
For passion only little deaths,
For affection finer than adulation,
For surrender potent than conquest,
Between us.

Do you feel some tenderness,
Do you think a kind thought,
Do you say a few loving words,
Do you sense some beauty,
About me?

If momentary desire seems truer..
If the world seems about victory..
If vainglory only a fistful away..
If pursuits beyond compassion..
To you?

I still believe in love so much,
I see it in the world all the time,
Even if I’ve lost all courage..
Peaceful… To see the proof if it around.


My world’s a vacuum without you,
Despite surroundings of deep love,
It’s just been one too many times,
I’ve had to catch myself when I fall.

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